A section of my blog to discuss projects I’ve been working on.



The eternal cosmos hungers for my soul; I am the universe and the universe is me. I allow myself to exist on a molecular level due to bordem and laze; I miss you now and forever. Each passing moment is that of dread of which fills me to the brim with haze. I am fog. I am dismay. I am the star that rapidly expands in the distance. Bask in my glory and fill yourself with an animalistic fury from my sufferage.

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Ukagaka & book log

Recently I’ve been reworking a Serial Experiments Lain Ukagaka, this is essentially a little character (lain) that sits on your desktop. It used to function much like Bonzi Buddy, however nobody really uses it for those functions anymore. Some processes I am thinking about including in it are; Random Esoteric Bullshit, Fun Fact button (lain is very interested in computer engineering, pscyhology, and milk, so I thought to include these interests of hers into the ukagaka; much like the Mayura ukagaka says stuff about retro games and old imageboard memes), A diary the user can read (just a mirror of “Lain’s Diary” from the PSX game), a few links to things I feel newer lain fans should read to immerse themselves in the ideas given throughout the show and game, such as historical internet documents, a website dedicated to analyzing just the show through every practical lense you could think of, and the game.

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Sewing Ideas

I’ve been thinking about sewing projects to go through recently. The list of things to draft are a military styled coat, a lace choker outfit, a basic dress, and maybe something lolita inspired (based off a pattern from one of those lolita magazines hehe). I’ve been thinking about drafting some straight legged pants, and I got some sewing resources from incessantpain. As long as I keep having the motivation by the time I have a sewing machine I will be golden.

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Website Revamp

I revamped the website finally. I want to make a webring, a portfolio page, a website for my art commissions, and then finish the linux and second life pages. I don’t play a lot of second life anymore, but I want to make a cheatsheet for myself for stores I like and tips for new players. There isn’t really good tutorials for making content for second life but I also don’t know how to make clothing that well either.

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Last night I fucked around with linux setup again. I opted for lutris setup finally, fixed the font issue with AIR, setup a touhoumon game, etc etc. I feel unreasonably proud of myself everytime I fix something on my machine; Soon I will rebind my new tablet’s keybinds so that they actually make sense with azpainter. As of right now I have also been working on a new layout idea for the website; something that matches the blog theme a bit more.

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Project Retrospection

A project I’m cooking up right now is only theoretical. I have not gotten the time to start on the venue for the art show; but it’s making progress regardless. I want to make a painting that encases how I feel about my life currently. I have been reflecting on the last year due to how nice feeling growth is. Over the summer I normally feel very static, there is no change there is nothing to do there is nothing.

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Over the last few days I’ve been attempting to program more. I coded an art porfolio, a fake website, and now this. I have also been trying to get back into drawing more often again. During the summer I completely took a hiatus from most things, we were in the process of moving and all of my stuff has been packed away in a storage unit. I am stranded to a laptop currently, which is possibly why I have been so productive.

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